- I heard that he lost his original capital in business. 听说他做生意亏了血本。
- Philadelphia was the original capital of the united states. 费城是美国的旧都。
- The Applied Research Fund provides seed capital for technology ventures. 应用研究基金为科技研究提供基本经费。
- Mr Lampert ignored him, and started ESL with $28m in seed capital and a plan to make long-term investments in temporarily undervalued companies. 拉姆伯特并未动心,以2800万美元的种子资本开办了ESL,计划对市值暂时被低估的公司做长期投资。
- Virtually every new company complains about the difficulty of raising seed capital. 事实上,每家新公司都在抱怨筹措原始资本的困难性。
- Financial Services: Direct Seed Capital Investment, Acquiring Start-up and Growth Capital Investment. 金融服务包括:直接种子资本投资、得启动和发展资本投资。
- Men like bait fishing out of love, women like to watch original capital at love. 男人喜欢放出诱饵垂钓爱情,女人喜欢不惜血本守望爱情。
- The functional relation is set up for amortization period of original capital cost Y and the number of transfer units. 本文介绍逆流式热管换热器初投资偿还期的优化设计。
- Particular attention was paid to ensuring good loan repayment records to protect the seed capital (which, once recovered, could be re-loaned). 需要特别注意的是要确保良好的偿还借款记录从而使原始资本得到保障。
- Assyria in earliest historical times referred to a region on the Upper Tigris river, named for its original capital, the ancient city of Ashur. 亚述是历史上最早提到的底格里斯河上游的一个地区,是以它最初的首都,古城阿舒尔(亚述)来命名。
- If this really happens, then on to the original capital has been suffering from a real estate agent speaking, is tantamount to another. 如果真的出现这种情况,那么对于原本就深受资金困扰之苦的房地产商来讲,无异于雪上加霜。
- The reason is, the original capital was renamed Times Square is the department will re - LCX Zhang, the second phase will be completed Zhuangsheng Sogo Department Store. 其理由是,原首都时代广场现改名为LCX的百货就要重张,庄胜崇光百货二期也将落成。
- provided seed capital for a fledgling Business. 为一个刚起步的商业机构提供基础资金
- Provided seed capital for a fledgling business 提供资金给刚起步的生意
- Two Level Agent Arrangement in Original Capital 创业投资基金双层委托代理机制研究
- In the year 2003, ESS became a venture company of the investment arm of Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB SEEDS Capital). 2003年,公司引进了策略投资伙伴及获颁新加坡经济发展局创业基金。
- Analysis on the original capital accumulation 对资本原始积累的解析
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 财产于1998年将归还原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅画是原作还是复制品?
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 这是原画还是模本?